have another singing-gig next week
and I have to hand in my library book (three weeks late)
I have to clean my bathroom
I have to study for Psychology Mini-mock exam
I have to do 4 TED
I have to stop using my phone so much
and I have to meet someone that makes me feel good.
and yeah Hi Victor you make me feel good but you are my best friend, not a dude.
I miss Oscar (my cat).
I'll call him.
onsdag 29 april 2009
yes stuff has happened but they are rather dull to hear about and well. yeah.
Me and Jonathan are gonna play at this school thing, outside of landskrona, it'll be fun me and him have always dreamt of starting a band or something, ever since we were kids but we never got around to do it but now we'll get a little insight of what it would be like. we can choose what songs to play which is awesome, he can play the piano, guitar and drums so yeah it'll be interesting! also I like Jonathan, known him since we were like four, and he's super musically gifted! anyway we can choose what songs we wanna do and we are gonna mix it up a little! excited!
Me and Jonathan are gonna play at this school thing, outside of landskrona, it'll be fun me and him have always dreamt of starting a band or something, ever since we were kids but we never got around to do it but now we'll get a little insight of what it would be like. we can choose what songs to play which is awesome, he can play the piano, guitar and drums so yeah it'll be interesting! also I like Jonathan, known him since we were like four, and he's super musically gifted! anyway we can choose what songs we wanna do and we are gonna mix it up a little! excited!
tisdag 21 april 2009
By the way.
>>I sound emo, but leave me be, I am human + a teenager, I'm allowed to get emo from time to time. Plus, I will never even try drugs, I have promised myself that I will try to be as healthy as I can be when I am an adult, even though I'll eat sweets. Chocolate is my cocaine plus it actually feels better with chocolate, when I'm sad. It does! So the fact that I'm not obese shows that I'm usually not like this. Just now, I don't have many things that weighs up the stress and anxiety. Which sucks ass.
Sheisse, I am so stressed about school, things I've forgotten, things I have to do, things I will do, things I haven't done and the things I know I never will do. I tell ya, this much of stuff attacking from all angles, I have never experienced before. I have never felt that lump in my chest and experienced frequent tummy-aches for this long time period before. This is seriously messed up. How can one person worry and stress about so many things, all at once? Shit, I won't have time to do things, I think that next year I have to cut down on my CAS-hours so I have time for school-work. Cuz this is fricken insane. And I have so many obligations, or so it seems, and I can't really show or act out the stress I'm feeling. So people don't know. I'm a bit disabled in that department, I just feel it in my chest and tummy. How will I ever tackle and succeed the IB? Maybe I should really get serious about my singing or painting, so I can do something creative with myself and live off of that instead of being a psychiatrist or diplomat. Dream on, I'm not even that good at anything really. Cuz I can't focus. I am so worried of how I'll end up, what type of person I'll become, if I even live to see the day I graduate from the IB. I should start with drugs or someting, so I don't have to deal with school or anything, I'll drug enough to ruin my life without the painful procedure of peple expecting things from me, Me, myself, expecting something from me. I really should stop thinking I am someone I'm not. Someone who has a shot at something. I don't think I do, I'm quite lazy, stupid and just unfocused. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME, PULL YOUR ACT TOGETHER MAJA. fun, this has been.
måndag 20 april 2009
>>I have found the ultimate singing-challenge for me yay me!
Halo- Beyonce.
I am gonna sing it and sing it and sing it, until it sounds okay.
I am in love with it, I don't think it's tjatig.
Now, I'm off to visit my sister Anna in Malmö yaay.
Halo- Beyonce.
I am gonna sing it and sing it and sing it, until it sounds okay.
I am in love with it, I don't think it's tjatig.
Now, I'm off to visit my sister Anna in Malmö yaay.
lördag 18 april 2009
Hard work, work
Today, I was test-working at the Hotel here in Landskrona, as a cleaning-lady, maid WHATEVER. It was pretty ok acually, I was nervous because I am not much for cleaning so I've heard (WHO THE FU** IS?!) but it wasn't very hard, I was a natural at making the bed (even though I do not mess mine up too often, because I have no life yay me) AND I liked cleaning the toilets.
Yes, your eyes are working fine, I did write that I liked cleaning the toilets. It went fast, it wasn't very disgusting and I got to splash everywhere. Okay sounds weird and kinda disgusting but whatever. The thing is, that today was the day after a whole football-team with dudes around the age of 20 had partied in their rooms, and there were bottles EVERYWHERE. Kinda funny. And they stared at me when I was standing in the elevator with 126745 towels and I had barely any make-up on and I was wearing a fricken aprin.
Haha, Malin told me that when she was cleaning this bathroom, and she was bending over so that her butt was all up in the air, (and that's fine if there aren't any people around) however, three guys came into the bathroom and were like staring at her bum and were like, pretending to get stuff from in there. Haha-Hilarious. Okay I guess you had to be there.. or in my case, hear it from Malin.
Everyone on the cleaning-staff, except for three (me, Malin and this other chick) are un-swedish. (haha) Which means that I spent the whole day listening to people speaking swedish with an accent, and it was so funny! I love accents, they amuse me. Luckily, they were all friendly so I wasn't too panicked by the fact that they had to repeat almost every sentence they said to me. One of the women got a birthday present, but apparantly her birthday is on the 28th of April, not the 18th. Stupid Sweden.
I really hope they'll hire me, I really need a job this summer. I am gonna save the money and go and visit my bff Caio in Mexico this fall!
(you cannot hold me responsible for my spelling-errors today, I barely slept last night.)
Yes, your eyes are working fine, I did write that I liked cleaning the toilets. It went fast, it wasn't very disgusting and I got to splash everywhere. Okay sounds weird and kinda disgusting but whatever. The thing is, that today was the day after a whole football-team with dudes around the age of 20 had partied in their rooms, and there were bottles EVERYWHERE. Kinda funny. And they stared at me when I was standing in the elevator with 126745 towels and I had barely any make-up on and I was wearing a fricken aprin.
Haha, Malin told me that when she was cleaning this bathroom, and she was bending over so that her butt was all up in the air, (and that's fine if there aren't any people around) however, three guys came into the bathroom and were like staring at her bum and were like, pretending to get stuff from in there. Haha-Hilarious. Okay I guess you had to be there.. or in my case, hear it from Malin.
Everyone on the cleaning-staff, except for three (me, Malin and this other chick) are un-swedish. (haha) Which means that I spent the whole day listening to people speaking swedish with an accent, and it was so funny! I love accents, they amuse me. Luckily, they were all friendly so I wasn't too panicked by the fact that they had to repeat almost every sentence they said to me. One of the women got a birthday present, but apparantly her birthday is on the 28th of April, not the 18th. Stupid Sweden.
I really hope they'll hire me, I really need a job this summer. I am gonna save the money and go and visit my bff Caio in Mexico this fall!
(you cannot hold me responsible for my spelling-errors today, I barely slept last night.)
onsdag 15 april 2009
Dear Reader

(I always LOL haha when Homer wears this t-shirt in the episode where they are in Brazil. just thought you oughtta hear the explanation for the pic. now shoo!)
måndag 13 april 2009
Good things come in threes
But I like it when it's just us two.
We'll keep the moon awake,
and do electric boogaloo
I am small, but I'm strong
I'll get it on with you
If you only knew
That I'm just like you
(Pappas bild.)
We'll keep the moon awake,
and do electric boogaloo
I am small, but I'm strong
I'll get it on with you
If you only knew
That I'm just like you
(Pappas bild.)
You're so sensitive
I am, I am a machine
Here's the thing, I don't feel so good, my tummy hurts, I am stressed out about school, I am sleepy and I am alone at home. This was a mistake, I usually enjoy being alone but right now I'm not feeling too cheerful. Frankly, I've been treated like crap and I feel used and I feel a bit distanced from people. A good friend of mine taught me something today, he said that there are some people that use other people to make themselves feel more confident. I don't view myself as someone who is a push-over, but I usually trust people, and I realise this when it's too late. I really need to re-evaluate my relationships to my friends and people, I need to look over who has my best in interest and doesn't walk all over me. I feel hurt, and I hate that. I need a hug, I need my mom and I need someone to take a walk with. But I'm alone.
Here's the thing, I don't feel so good, my tummy hurts, I am stressed out about school, I am sleepy and I am alone at home. This was a mistake, I usually enjoy being alone but right now I'm not feeling too cheerful. Frankly, I've been treated like crap and I feel used and I feel a bit distanced from people. A good friend of mine taught me something today, he said that there are some people that use other people to make themselves feel more confident. I don't view myself as someone who is a push-over, but I usually trust people, and I realise this when it's too late. I really need to re-evaluate my relationships to my friends and people, I need to look over who has my best in interest and doesn't walk all over me. I feel hurt, and I hate that. I need a hug, I need my mom and I need someone to take a walk with. But I'm alone.
Spring is officially here and all people allergic to pollen dread this time of year. I am the second oldest of four, and I am the only one of us, who's allergic. I'm allergic to animals with fur, pollen, tree-pollen, grass-pollen, and those microscopic bugs that live on fabrics and shiz, I don't know what they're called in english.
mentally and emotionally I am allergic to a lot more.
I'm allergic to walking behind old people when they're so fricken slow, and I have to be somewhere! I mean come on, I know people with no legs and arms walking faster than you! that's so annoying. I'm also allergic to the fact that I am one of those people who postpone every single thing in her life, which isn't a good thing. I seriously need to work on that.
but above all, I'm allergic to people who think they're right about everything. people who express an opinion and thinks that this is the only right opinion in the world. This just bugs me, I mean COME ON, it's a known fact that we are all different, don't you think there can exist different views and angles of things as well?! it just bugs me, I do appreciate your opinion but do not try and correct me or whatever, giving me advice on how I should cut my hair or whatever and then act like it's the only right thing in the universe.
Things like that just hurts me, because I usually try to be open-minded about stuff, being open for suggestions about things and as long as you say "this is just how I feel", then it's ok. Okay i realise that I can't expect this from people all the time, but just when it's about making a statement, how I am as a person, or when we are discussing something. Or we can agree to disagree. I just get offended and hurt, because I don't feel that I need to look like other people, or act like other people, because there is not point to it since we are different from each other anyways. I just wish I could take medicines for emotional allergies as well. But I guess that's what therapy is for. Or maybe ice-cream.
mentally and emotionally I am allergic to a lot more.
I'm allergic to walking behind old people when they're so fricken slow, and I have to be somewhere! I mean come on, I know people with no legs and arms walking faster than you! that's so annoying. I'm also allergic to the fact that I am one of those people who postpone every single thing in her life, which isn't a good thing. I seriously need to work on that.
but above all, I'm allergic to people who think they're right about everything. people who express an opinion and thinks that this is the only right opinion in the world. This just bugs me, I mean COME ON, it's a known fact that we are all different, don't you think there can exist different views and angles of things as well?! it just bugs me, I do appreciate your opinion but do not try and correct me or whatever, giving me advice on how I should cut my hair or whatever and then act like it's the only right thing in the universe.
Things like that just hurts me, because I usually try to be open-minded about stuff, being open for suggestions about things and as long as you say "this is just how I feel", then it's ok. Okay i realise that I can't expect this from people all the time, but just when it's about making a statement, how I am as a person, or when we are discussing something. Or we can agree to disagree. I just get offended and hurt, because I don't feel that I need to look like other people, or act like other people, because there is not point to it since we are different from each other anyways. I just wish I could take medicines for emotional allergies as well. But I guess that's what therapy is for. Or maybe ice-cream.
fredag 10 april 2009
måndag 6 april 2009
Thank you, Pappa
/Dane Cook
I just wrote about music that moves me and stuff, and I just want to share with the rest of the world that it is my father who opened my eyes for Peter Gabriel,and my dad loves to hear me sing "Don't Give Up" and he lets me have 9 of his LP-records on my walls (Led Zeppelin, Hair, Peter Gabriel, Janis Joplin, Billy Joel to name a few) and he played "I can see clearly now" sung by Holly Cole, in our living room once, on the maixmum volume, and it filled my heart. He is still a lame dad once in a while, everytime he's alone at home he starts it off by blasting "Go Johnny Go, Go!" (dono the title, but you know?) like any other dad.
I love him, he is smart, he has seen a lot, experienced a lot and gone through a lot, and I admire him. I hope I am alike him in some ways. And not just the fact that I postpone things or drink my coffee and tea with milk and sugar.
/Dane Cook
I just wrote about music that moves me and stuff, and I just want to share with the rest of the world that it is my father who opened my eyes for Peter Gabriel,and my dad loves to hear me sing "Don't Give Up" and he lets me have 9 of his LP-records on my walls (Led Zeppelin, Hair, Peter Gabriel, Janis Joplin, Billy Joel to name a few) and he played "I can see clearly now" sung by Holly Cole, in our living room once, on the maixmum volume, and it filled my heart. He is still a lame dad once in a while, everytime he's alone at home he starts it off by blasting "Go Johnny Go, Go!" (dono the title, but you know?) like any other dad.
I love him, he is smart, he has seen a lot, experienced a lot and gone through a lot, and I admire him. I hope I am alike him in some ways. And not just the fact that I postpone things or drink my coffee and tea with milk and sugar.
I've been thinking a lot lately about music.
And what I'm gonna do with my voice and my musicalness.
Not a word perhaps but.
I love singing, it's been my identity for so long and it is my pride.
Problem is, I don't know if I can write songs.
And I only just started playing the piano.
I am worried about the fact that maybe there isn't a lot more you can do.
So many songs have been written.
And I wanna write music that moves you to tears.
The type of music that I get shrills from, that makes me want to sing off the top of my lungs, music that makes me cry, laugh and scream.
Examples of songs that brings out strong emotion in me are:
"Biko" by Peter Gabriel, "With or Without You" by U2, "Sacrifice" cover by Sinead O'Connor, "Every Breath You Take" by The Police, "Howl in the Jungle" by The Mo, "Fresh Feeling" by Eels, "I Can See Clearly Now" cover by Holly Cole, to name a few.
I am worried.
Cuz what can I even bring to the world?
Cassie said to me a few days ago that she wouldn't want to be famous, and I don't think I'll strive for that either BUT, I really feel I want to do something, maybe just something that'll hit someone somewhere, in their soul or just something.
Like the song "Biko", it has such a huge meaning, it's written for Stephen Biko, a freedom-fighter in South Africa, who brought attetnion to Apartheid, from the rest of the world. He was imprisoned, tortured for months and murdered in jail. And the song is so powerful and it just strikes you right in the heart, especially if you know the story behind it. I would want to write Peter-Gabriel-music. His songs are poems and music and I want to find that balance and communicate this to the world. "Here Comes the Flood", "Family Snapshot","Don't Give Up" and "Solsbury Hill" I also recommend you to listen to. They take me to another world. You should come visit.
You can, blow out a candle
But you can't blow out a fire
Once the flame begins to catch
The wind will blow it higher
Oh, Biko
Biko, Because Biko
Yihla Moja, Yihla Moja
The man is dead, the man is dead.
And the eyes of the world
are watching now,
Watching now.
And what I'm gonna do with my voice and my musicalness.
Not a word perhaps but.
I love singing, it's been my identity for so long and it is my pride.
Problem is, I don't know if I can write songs.
And I only just started playing the piano.
I am worried about the fact that maybe there isn't a lot more you can do.
So many songs have been written.
And I wanna write music that moves you to tears.
The type of music that I get shrills from, that makes me want to sing off the top of my lungs, music that makes me cry, laugh and scream.
Examples of songs that brings out strong emotion in me are:
"Biko" by Peter Gabriel, "With or Without You" by U2, "Sacrifice" cover by Sinead O'Connor, "Every Breath You Take" by The Police, "Howl in the Jungle" by The Mo, "Fresh Feeling" by Eels, "I Can See Clearly Now" cover by Holly Cole, to name a few.
I am worried.
Cuz what can I even bring to the world?
Cassie said to me a few days ago that she wouldn't want to be famous, and I don't think I'll strive for that either BUT, I really feel I want to do something, maybe just something that'll hit someone somewhere, in their soul or just something.
Like the song "Biko", it has such a huge meaning, it's written for Stephen Biko, a freedom-fighter in South Africa, who brought attetnion to Apartheid, from the rest of the world. He was imprisoned, tortured for months and murdered in jail. And the song is so powerful and it just strikes you right in the heart, especially if you know the story behind it. I would want to write Peter-Gabriel-music. His songs are poems and music and I want to find that balance and communicate this to the world. "Here Comes the Flood", "Family Snapshot","Don't Give Up" and "Solsbury Hill" I also recommend you to listen to. They take me to another world. You should come visit.
You can, blow out a candle
But you can't blow out a fire
Once the flame begins to catch
The wind will blow it higher
Oh, Biko
Biko, Because Biko
Yihla Moja, Yihla Moja
The man is dead, the man is dead.
And the eyes of the world
are watching now,
Watching now.
söndag 5 april 2009
Fire Fire
Poi, is fire in some language.
And I spraying fire thing, like spitting lamp-oil on a stick with fire on it and it was awesome!!
Okay if I was writing in swedish I could've exlained.
Jag spruta eld, elda med stava och med poi!!
it was so fun!!
love love.
vafaan Ivor, varfan e du Ivor?
Fult namn tycker du, fint namn tycker jag.
torsdag 2 april 2009
I'll write something soon. I hope :D
I'll write something soon. I hope :D
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