Yesterday I just wanted to barf all over this girl in my Theory of Knowledge class.
She said "there are good people and there are bad people".
My heart started to race, I said that is such a stupid thing to say, we all have good sides and bad sides, and she said "Uhmm no there are good people and there are bad people! Terrorists are bad people, you can't deny that."
And all I ended up saying was "that is a flaw on your part."
And I felt sorry for her.
Also I could only utter this one sentence, cuz I just wanted to pull her hair and stretch her nostrils over her forehead.
It is sooo not that simple. You can't
define a person based on nothing more than their actions.
Yeah this girl is smart in school, she is musically talented and usually has a good sense of humour.
But when she said this, she fell in my eyes.
It matters how you are on the inside.
People that go through life thinking "it is what I do that is important" will make mistakes, will do things that they think is right in society's eyes, but maybe this is not the right path for them.
In Batman (which is my favourite superhero ever) they say "it is what you do, that defines you."
I could not agree less.
urgh I can't be bothered getting side-tracked.
Anyways, I feel sorry for this girl, because she is so into her own world and she really views the world in her way and she is not open for discussion and she is so certain that the way she sees things is the only view and the only right way.
I want to barf on these people. People that say the most mean things they've ever said about you and they treat it as a fact, rather than an opinion. That they know more than you, about yourself.
This type of people have brought me down from my happy state of being too many times, and now I just feel sorry for them.
I feel sorry for you people, who think that you are always right. You say mean things, you share your thoughts on the world and you treat this as if it is the only right way.
There is no room for democracy in these people, and this makes me sick.
Have an opinion, yes I love opinionated people, but don't be arrogant about it.
Be open. Shit I'm angry again.