fredag 26 februari 2010

All the right moves - OneRepublic

everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
yeah, we're going down.

måndag 22 februari 2010

Tänker du på mig nu?
varför har jag sparat detta smset? deprimerande..

lördag 20 februari 2010

ute i hbg

hannah oscar och erika :)hey, how you doin? smileyface!

torsdag 18 februari 2010

måndag 15 februari 2010

varför är inte jag en bitch än? eller är jag det? hmm

And that is so true. Happy belated Valentine's day. I'm a wreck :)
Something's not right.

söndag 14 februari 2010

last weekend

sleepy klara
I am playing my silly Spotify-playlist 'Oh Happy Day'; a desperate attempt to feel better. I hate you for being so clueless.

learning from others

I like people I can learn things from.
People who have things to teach me, people who have things to say.
The thing is, while I am trying not to be judgemental, it's not that easy.
People will always get to me, some might push my buttons and I will be annoyed.
And, I lose respect for people who I think are not very deep, and people who don't have a certain perspective on things.
And I get all judgemental.
But then I realised; There's a difference between people you can learn from and people who you can learn something about yourself, from.
Friends for the moment, you can learn things from.
Frenemies you can learn something about yourself from.
A friend for life can teach you something about life AND yourself.
This didn't make sense.
It did in my head.

onsdag 10 februari 2010

Kaizers Orchestra

I had forgotten about them. Shame on me. Because they're quite fantastic.
För hon var bäst, försök och överträffa det ja, för hon var bäst försök och överträffa det ja, för hon var bäst men kommer aldrig mer tillbaks.

There's a difference

I want to be alone at home but I don't want to feel alone.
Instead someone's always home and I do feel alone.
Even though I know I'm not.
Yay for being human (Y)

söndag 7 februari 2010

My weekly horoscope

I read that I will stand out from the crowd by just telling the truth when I could just lie and be done with it.
I'll walk away when I want to, and stay if I want to.
I'll say whatever the hell comes to mind and I won't say empty things, with no meaning.
"Look me in the eye and tell me you don't find me attractive"
Seriously though, I usually tell the truth and I just say what I feel like saying at that very moment.
I did it last night, and boy do I regret it now.
It was a text-message.
A text-message where I basically puked out my fears.
It felt good, it still feels good, but I hate it that telling the truth makes the whole situation worse.
Still though, just now when I came home, to an empty house (for once) and I talked to myself (I do it a lot when I'm alone) I said "It was so worth it"..
It's so worth this uneasy feeling, because I can say,
at least I told the truth.

(because there is nothing wrong about telling the truth..)

lördag 6 februari 2010

What's Up? - 4 Non-Blondes

Awesome song, awesome video, awesome lyrics, awesome music, awesome voice, awesomepeople, awesome clothes, and weirdos <3

This should be fun.

halmstad halmstad halmstad woot.
Gonna party away my sorrows.
hahahahahahahahahha gay :)

Kärlek vid sista ögonkastet - Maskinen

"vinner ditt hjärta men flyger iväg till nästa så fort jag anar nåt ansvar"

You're starting to get to me, I get jealous and I get sad because of you. I get butterflies and I long for you. I miss you and I want you to be here.
Fucking cut it out.
För jag är bäst, försök att öveträffa det ja.
Nej det kan du inte så get your head out of your ass och gör något.
Puss. y

onsdag 3 februari 2010

månadens ord.

Simon says:

tisdag 2 februari 2010

Post-nap disappointment

Okay so I just woke up from the best nap ever in my life.
And whadda ya know, the world is exactly where I left it.
like, 55 minutes later and nothing has changed.
the world's just 55 minutes older.
I am 55 minutes older.
After this nap I feel so fresh, in my head, the nap did me good.
But it didn't do my life any good whatsoever.
The things I had to do 55 minutes ago, apart from taking a nap, I still have to do.
So this little post-nap disappointment has taught me a valuable lesson in life, which I won't really take into practice.
Things won't magically resolve themselves, it's up to myself to make it work.
Very valuable.

måndag 1 februari 2010

Cassie. säger:
nu ska jag säga ngt
som min far sa till mig

Nothing in the world can keep the count from his beloved wife

I love this

"I just want to talk to you. I want to hear your voice. Look into your eyes. Feel your hair. I want to look at you looking at me. I want to kiss your face because you know I can't resist it. But you're not here so I can't. I want to show you how much you mean to me. Cuz I am pretty sure you haven't quite realised it yet. If you don't pull your head out of your ass soon, this will never take off and we will look back at this semi-something with regret, for it not becoming something-something. And that's that"