we're on a boat. (were*)

we stayed in a little apartment thing. cozy


Absurd building.

scary ex-nazi-building

we thought it was water first.

I was in Berlin :D

Cissi got a bear-hug.

insanely large... that's what she said.

Dono what Olof's doing.

Yeah I thought I mind as well upload some Berlin-pictures. these are from the first day there. 15th/9. we had a lotta fun.
1 kommentar:
hate you still. peddo bear with cissi där. hahahah på ensam mamma söker just nu:: en kille + en mamma på en sån. tjur. you know. and he's freakin humping her. DAYTIME TV PEOPLE. they're gross. you have kids next to you damnit. oh. off topic. jag vill också till berlin. typ nu. kan man inte ta ledigt från skolan lite. så kan vi åka nerrrr.
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