söndag 31 januari 2010
lördag 30 januari 2010
The Day After Tomorrow - Saybia
Please tell me why do birds
Sing when you're near me?
Sing when you're close to me?
They say that I'm a fool
For loving you deeply
Loving you secretly
But I crash in my mind
Whenever you are near
Getting deaf, dumb and blind
Just drowning in despair
I am lost in your flame
It's burning like the sun
And I call out your name
The moment you are gone
Sing when you're near me?
Sing when you're close to me?
They say that I'm a fool
For loving you deeply
Loving you secretly
But I crash in my mind
Whenever you are near
Getting deaf, dumb and blind
Just drowning in despair
I am lost in your flame
It's burning like the sun
And I call out your name
The moment you are gone

blurry but I don't care. look how red her hair is amgggg. I lost the genetic lottery, my sisters became beautiful redheads and I have to bleach my hair for it not to look like someone sneezed on me. at least i'm like 20 cm taller than sara and anna haha. I can reach things better than them. ANNA TURNS 21 SOON AND ME AND CASSIE WILL GO AND PARTY LIKE ROCKSTARS WITH ANNAAA. yay. okayi'mdone
mig själv i moll
för att han typ inte är säker som jag är säker. vad gör man då? typ.. stampar på stället. för vad kan man göra? önskar grejer var lika lätta som i Så Får Du Mig Ändå med Emil Jensen, men så är ju inte fallet. lite som kung midas allt du rör blir till moll. just nu känner jag mig som moll, Maja i moll. för man börjar tänka, bli paranoid, för negativa saker om sig själv är lättare att tro på än de bra grejerna, och varför skulle saker ändra sig? okej man antar ju att saker ska gå framåt. jag vill att saker ska gå framåt för mig. jag tror jag behöver det. jag vet att jag behöver det. det finns en lycka som dör av skratt. det finns saker som dör om man pratar om dem. typ saker ska hända av sig själva, de ska inte bli framtvingade. aja. han får mig ändå.
fredag 29 januari 2010
Grimasch om morgonen - Cornelis :)
nu faller dagg och nu stiger sol
men det kan du inte höra
du ligger utan blus och kjol
med läpparna mot mitt öra
tala nu allvar, ber du bestämt
du skrattar visor och sjunger skämt
du kan men vill inte göra
en sång om lyckan den sköra
nu stiger sol och nu faller dagg
för fattigt folk och för rika
men lyckan har en förgiftad tagg
som man bör nog undvika
hon stannar gärna i några dar
men om du vill hålla henne kvar
blir hennes ögon iskalla
och du blir bitter som galla
Ann-Katarin du ska veta att
det finns en lycka som dör av skratt
men den vill smekas om natten
och den är stilla som vatten
men det kan du inte höra
du ligger utan blus och kjol
med läpparna mot mitt öra
tala nu allvar, ber du bestämt
du skrattar visor och sjunger skämt
du kan men vill inte göra
en sång om lyckan den sköra
nu stiger sol och nu faller dagg
för fattigt folk och för rika
men lyckan har en förgiftad tagg
som man bör nog undvika
hon stannar gärna i några dar
men om du vill hålla henne kvar
blir hennes ögon iskalla
och du blir bitter som galla
Ann-Katarin du ska veta att
det finns en lycka som dör av skratt
men den vill smekas om natten
och den är stilla som vatten
tisdag 26 januari 2010
Allt du rör blir till moll.
lite som kung midas, allt du rör blir till moll, men om du ramlar, kommer jag att ramla åt samma håll :)
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today I'm happy today
måndag 25 januari 2010
Mountains - Biffy Clyro
"Took a bite out of a mountain-range, thought my teeth would break, the mountain did"
"I am a mountain, I am the sea, you can't take that away from me"
"Nothing lasts forever, except you and me, you are my mountain, you are my sea
Love can last forever, between you and me, you are my mountain, you are my sea"
"I should know who I am by now"
do you have to have a set idea of who you are? by the age of..what? 18? 27? we're all unique, and we have the power to make individual choices and laugh at whatever we want, love whomever we want, listen to whatever we want.. and that might define you? do we need something that really states THIS IS WHO YOU ARE. and then that idea shall dictate your choices? having a set idea of who you are.. that might be dangerous? Maybe not dangerous, but maybe not so good. think about it, if an opportunity comes along and you have to make a choice, and you think "well.. it would be fun to do this.. but I am not that person who does this.." and then boom, moment's over. Say good-bye to an experience.. Maybe you could incooperate your self-image when you are doing something that isn't like you. And then maybe, just maybe, that's an opportunity for you to do something unique.it's probably important to know who you are, it helps you develop and it would probably mean more confidence. but arghh. don't know. Cuz you do what you feel and then BOOM, that's you..
this didn't make much sense. This was stupid.. sorry for that :) I might sound pretentious. I don't know how to spell that word. and I take English A1 HL.. Joy.
do you have to have a set idea of who you are? by the age of..what? 18? 27? we're all unique, and we have the power to make individual choices and laugh at whatever we want, love whomever we want, listen to whatever we want.. and that might define you? do we need something that really states THIS IS WHO YOU ARE. and then that idea shall dictate your choices? having a set idea of who you are.. that might be dangerous? Maybe not dangerous, but maybe not so good. think about it, if an opportunity comes along and you have to make a choice, and you think "well.. it would be fun to do this.. but I am not that person who does this.." and then boom, moment's over. Say good-bye to an experience.. Maybe you could incooperate your self-image when you are doing something that isn't like you. And then maybe, just maybe, that's an opportunity for you to do something unique.it's probably important to know who you are, it helps you develop and it would probably mean more confidence. but arghh. don't know. Cuz you do what you feel and then BOOM, that's you..
this didn't make much sense. This was stupid.. sorry for that :) I might sound pretentious. I don't know how to spell that word. and I take English A1 HL.. Joy.
tisdag 19 januari 2010
måndag 18 januari 2010
söndag 17 januari 2010
Annabel Lee - Edgar Allan poe
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.
The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me-
Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.
But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we-
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,
In the sepulchre there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.
The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me-
Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.
But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we-
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,
In the sepulchre there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.
I hate it when people say "actions speak louder than words" it's like well fuck you, I am lazy but it doesn't mean I don't want to go somewhere in my life, or that I don't wanna be someone. The thing is, I already am someone, without my stupid actions backing it up. I like it when people say things that are true, things that really matter and you can feel it. Then it doesn't matter if they buy you flowers or take care of the dishes. You know what's going on below. I don't wanna be an action-oriented girl. Woman. I'll let my thoughts influence my actions, not my actions influence my thoughts.
Lemon Tree
fredag 15 januari 2010
torsdag 14 januari 2010
”Oj..” : tycker att mumintrollet har för mycket känslor, inget förakt mot detta.
”man blir aldrig fri” : medveten om mumintrollets beundran
= mumintrollet är bunden av sina känslor, han är yngre och mer känslosam än Snusmumriken själv
Lilla My
”Du med..” : antyder att mumin är fånig, bryr sig för mycket om draken
Oerhört kärleksfullt, medveten om mumintrollets känslighet, hans sorg över draken, emotionell bredd
Uppfattar mumintrollet som sentimental och fånig, ”Cheezy”
Medveten om mumintrollets längtan till snusmumriken, beundran, vänlighet, känslosam, kärleksfull
jag saknar mumintrollet, nu när man är äldre. men vi läste tove janssons novellsamling "Det osynliga barnet" och den rekommenderar jag till dem som gillar mumin. :)
vad ska jag göra för att få den att tycka om mig?” (sid. 62)
”Oj..” : tycker att mumintrollet har för mycket känslor, inget förakt mot detta.
”man blir aldrig fri” : medveten om mumintrollets beundran
= mumintrollet är bunden av sina känslor, han är yngre och mer känslosam än Snusmumriken själv
Lilla My
”Du med..” : antyder att mumin är fånig, bryr sig för mycket om draken
Oerhört kärleksfullt, medveten om mumintrollets känslighet, hans sorg över draken, emotionell bredd
Uppfattar mumintrollet som sentimental och fånig, ”Cheezy”
Medveten om mumintrollets längtan till snusmumriken, beundran, vänlighet, känslosam, kärleksfull
jag saknar mumintrollet, nu när man är äldre. men vi läste tove janssons novellsamling "Det osynliga barnet" och den rekommenderar jag till dem som gillar mumin. :)
vad ska jag göra för att få den att tycka om mig?” (sid. 62)
onsdag 13 januari 2010
tisdag 12 januari 2010
nytt ordspråk
this came to mind when I was biking home from school today, and I came up with it ALL BY MYSELF. seriously. I don't really know what it means, it just kept on rambling on and on through my head
"Wearing a hat will not cushion the blow for someone who's falling on their ass"
pretty smart huh.
I have been a zombie today.
slept like 2 hours last night.
"Wearing a hat will not cushion the blow for someone who's falling on their ass"
pretty smart huh.
I have been a zombie today.
slept like 2 hours last night.
måndag 11 januari 2010
Procrastination unknown!
Hej jag pluggar inte bra såhär efter jul har jag märkt.
Mycket hjärta/smärta det här jullovet och sånt gillar man ju.
Vill inte tillbaka till vardagen.
Men har man något val?
Idag har jag sjungit på Anders&Puttes låt "Nöjd"
"Ja e så glad, för ja e nöjd
om man e nöjd så e man glad för man e nöjd"
Har vägrat falla tillbaka i samma deprimerande tankesätt jag hade förra terminen
"faan va jobbigt allt är, hatar att cykla samma väg till skolan varje jävla dag, hatar läxor, hatar saker man måste göra" BLA BLA BLA.
Nu är man trött på sånt.
Mycket hjärta/smärta det här jullovet och sånt gillar man ju.
Vill inte tillbaka till vardagen.
Men har man något val?
Idag har jag sjungit på Anders&Puttes låt "Nöjd"
"Ja e så glad, för ja e nöjd
om man e nöjd så e man glad för man e nöjd"
Har vägrat falla tillbaka i samma deprimerande tankesätt jag hade förra terminen
"faan va jobbigt allt är, hatar att cykla samma väg till skolan varje jävla dag, hatar läxor, hatar saker man måste göra" BLA BLA BLA.
Nu är man trött på sånt.
söndag 10 januari 2010
lördag 9 januari 2010
Hahaha amg this is soo me
"14137.) I've finally figured out my three crushes 1. you seem perfect in everyway but you always seem to change you're mind about us 2. you're always there for me and you're going to be a great parent 3. I want to you..in my pants"
torsdag 7 januari 2010
de vanligaste sakerna jag får höra
1) du har DAMP, maja
2) skinny bitch (OFTA?!)
3) Du är knas, maja
4) bara GÖR det, maja!
ja, ja, ja, ja!
2) skinny bitch (OFTA?!)
3) Du är knas, maja
4) bara GÖR det, maja!
ja, ja, ja, ja!
onsdag 6 januari 2010
Back to school anxiety
Okay so this pathetic excuse for a christmas-break is coming to an end.
Well, it HAS been a very nice break actually.
I haven't thought about school til yesterday.. and I start school tomorrow.
I haven't studied, even though it has been very necessary.
I have met new people, partied a lot and I have focused on feeling human feelings.
I have felt like a person, this break.
And I just know that when school starts again, I will go back to that low state of mind.
because school and stress will be at the back of my mind, gnawing the very last humane emotions I have and I will once again become numb.
I think I'm too lazy and free-spirited for the IB.
I want to do things I want to do, not the things I must do.
The things that ARE DUE NEXT FRIDAY or DUE TOMORROW, I hate them.
Even though I can be smart sometimes, I don't think school is for me.
Maybe my future lies outside the world of academic achievements.
Haha there was this..well she's quite the horrible person really, her idea of me was that I was a basketball-player and bla-blah.
People can be so ignorant sometimes.
But what if the academic world isn't for me?
I enjoy listening to wisdom drawn from experiences, not from reading books or solving formulas.
Although, I suppose the point with writing books is to share experiences or to give experiences to someone, when they're reading them.
I enjoy history.
But I enjoy being a person more.
Like; dancing, breathing fresh air, seing new places, meeting new people, fall in love, fall out of love, getting hurt, being happy that you have something to be sad about and stuff like that.
I don't want to believe life is about getting an education and being a little wheel in the machine of society.
Urgh but I don't know what to believe, that's the problem.
I just know what I don't wanna do, who I don't wanna become.
but what do I want to do
I want this christmas-break to rewind and I will enjoy the moment more..
and savour each kiss and the feelings and the moments which mean the most.
I hope they'll boost this year and fill me with some enthusiasm.
det är så logiskt, alla fattar utom du
du har inte en aning, aning.
Well, it HAS been a very nice break actually.
I haven't thought about school til yesterday.. and I start school tomorrow.
I haven't studied, even though it has been very necessary.
I have met new people, partied a lot and I have focused on feeling human feelings.
I have felt like a person, this break.
And I just know that when school starts again, I will go back to that low state of mind.
because school and stress will be at the back of my mind, gnawing the very last humane emotions I have and I will once again become numb.
I think I'm too lazy and free-spirited for the IB.
I want to do things I want to do, not the things I must do.
The things that ARE DUE NEXT FRIDAY or DUE TOMORROW, I hate them.
Even though I can be smart sometimes, I don't think school is for me.
Maybe my future lies outside the world of academic achievements.
Haha there was this..well she's quite the horrible person really, her idea of me was that I was a basketball-player and bla-blah.
People can be so ignorant sometimes.
But what if the academic world isn't for me?
I enjoy listening to wisdom drawn from experiences, not from reading books or solving formulas.
Although, I suppose the point with writing books is to share experiences or to give experiences to someone, when they're reading them.
I enjoy history.
But I enjoy being a person more.
Like; dancing, breathing fresh air, seing new places, meeting new people, fall in love, fall out of love, getting hurt, being happy that you have something to be sad about and stuff like that.
I don't want to believe life is about getting an education and being a little wheel in the machine of society.
Urgh but I don't know what to believe, that's the problem.
I just know what I don't wanna do, who I don't wanna become.
but what do I want to do
I want this christmas-break to rewind and I will enjoy the moment more..
and savour each kiss and the feelings and the moments which mean the most.
I hope they'll boost this year and fill me with some enthusiasm.
det är så logiskt, alla fattar utom du
du har inte en aning, aning.
Bitter end
a drink or two got me started
and now I just can't get over you
so it's come to a bitter end
guess I blew it once again
still I haven't learnt my lesson well
I can't get over you
whatever it takes to break this spell
whatever it takes to break this spell
still I haven't learnt the lesson, well
I can't get over you.
and now I just can't get over you
so it's come to a bitter end
guess I blew it once again
still I haven't learnt my lesson well
I can't get over you
whatever it takes to break this spell
whatever it takes to break this spell
still I haven't learnt the lesson, well
I can't get over you.
söndag 3 januari 2010
my heart the perishers
it's my heart you're stealing, it's my heart you take, it's my heart you're dealing with and, it's my heart you break :)
not goodh, katie. not goodh.
scars will heal
(I love Alice practice, by Crystal Castles.)
I have promised myself that:
I will eat healthier
not fall in love
work out
focus on school
and easy things
and live when I grow up.
I love myself
I'll focus on myself
and I'll never get drunk, the way I was yesterday
and I will never feel this way about someone again,
til the one's the one
things will work out :)
scars will heal
(I love Alice practice, by Crystal Castles.)
I have promised myself that:
I will eat healthier
not fall in love
work out
focus on school
and easy things
and live when I grow up.
I love myself
I'll focus on myself
and I'll never get drunk, the way I was yesterday
and I will never feel this way about someone again,
til the one's the one
things will work out :)
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