torsdag 26 augusti 2010


and it won't go away.
I have like teeny tiny things around my room, lying around in my pockets, in my bag and in my shoes to remind me
Like a note from my mum.
Maja please buy some milk and cat-food.
My reminder is
Maja, go to London.. Shoo.

I have no other plans with this coming year than going to london to work with whatever shit-job I'll get.
So I know what i have to do.
What I have to be.
which I suck at.

I really like my life at this point.
I have just graduated, and while other people my age are off to a new university or a job, or stressing out about the general sense of meaninglessness in their life, I feel awesome.
My life has been put on hold for a minute, I don't start my driving-lessons until two weeks.
I have no real commitments as of now, I work on the weekends only.
So I have two weeks to chill.
And I love it.
Gonna go to Finland with oscar to go to Hannah's graduation-party.
which shall be awesome as well.

söndag 15 augusti 2010