onsdag 28 april 2010

Miike Snow

I've fallen in love again, they are so awesome.
The best part is, this summer me and Linnea are gonna fricken work at a fricken festival and I'll cater to fricken REGINA SPEKTOR. And Babyshambles. LIKE WHAT?! I just hope I'll survive my exams so I can do all the awesome stuff after. I so wanna meet Regina Spektor!!!

måndag 19 april 2010


I'm gonna get so much done this week, I'LL BE LIKE THE FRICKEN WIND, SON!!


they looks so wonderfully retarded and weird and cute. and yes I stole this pic. SUE ME. (don't)

lördag 17 april 2010

magiskt men tragiskt

om vi nu ska vara ärliga så hatar jag faktiskt dig.
behöver lite kärlek
behöver lite sympati
men det jag behöver säga
är att jag faktiskt hatar dig.
Stick that in a pipe and smoke it.

I can't believe I believed everything we had would last.

onsdag 14 april 2010


här kommer åren igen, dem man trodde man tvättat bort. på samma plats i livet, bara nån annanstans med min kropp. vi trodde vi funnit vår plats. så vi blev varandras känsel, och vi blev varandras tid. sen blev vi äldre jag vet, och vi han aldrig nudda marken. och vi kastade oss ut. och jag minns du log, när det var nåt i oss som dog. nåt mycket större än sånt man ser. i en tid av törst, blev vi offer för en tro. som byggdes upp men föll isär, det är bilder vi bär.

lördag 10 april 2010

this week

this week has been somewhat pointless BUT I have accomplished a few things.
so I am still pretty happy.
I have to make it through, these past 8 weeks and then studenten!!!

torsdag 8 april 2010

Superman - Five For Fighting

(pic: dethjunkie.tumblr.com)
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
the better part of me
More than a bird
more than a plane
More than some pretty face
beside the train
and it's not easy to be

måndag 5 april 2010

Things that mysteriously makes me sick.

1) having dinner. I have no idea why but lately, eating makes me feel nauseated.
2) thinking about the things I've lost during 2010 alone. (people, busscard, keys, my calendar)
3) Thinking about how much studying I have to do to pass my exams in May.
4) Not studying. (which is all the time)
5) crying. this is nauseating to me.

torsdag 1 april 2010

top o' the mornin'

what do we have hereeeee


I look like a geek but I'm awesome anyway.
So is anna.
But she doesn't look like a geek.
or does she? *dramatic music*
to be continued..... not