tisdag 17 mars 2009

we are family!

My family is having issues with the living arrangements.
I wanna be at my mom's place, with the cat and my mom.
My sister wants to live with people in general haha.
My mom wants me to be home with her.
But I have school in Lund, and activities here and my own room.
And it all has to fit but it just can't.
And this is so annoying.

I have three siblings and two parents and one stepparent. (+cat and 14 fish)
So, my family is quite big.
And argh big families are fun but it gets so complicated cuz people are different, and in my family, we are all different.
It gets scary sometimes, even haha.
But I love them though, obviously.
But sometimes I believe I am adopted.
And sometimes, just sometimes, I wish I was.
And my parents were rockstars, or photographers or something.
And that I had an older brother.

what was the point with this text anyway? xD
I love em but I hate the fact that me and my siblings can't all be under the same roof.
And that I can have my cat if I want to.
I live at my dads, Oscar lives with my mom.
It's his world, and he loves my mom, it's kinda creepy.
And unfair, it's my fricken cat!
Haha oh well, nothing I can do now :)

I love 'em.
They're all I've got.

I am lucky that I can at least trust my family.
And that I am best friends with my two sisters.
And that I can talk to my mom and my dad about everything.
If I want to.

Family is important.
To me.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

we're a family with disorders. ._. retards. but i love us. :D