måndag 13 april 2009


Spring is officially here and all people allergic to pollen dread this time of year. I am the second oldest of four, and I am the only one of us, who's allergic. I'm allergic to animals with fur, pollen, tree-pollen, grass-pollen, and those microscopic bugs that live on fabrics and shiz, I don't know what they're called in english.

mentally and emotionally I am allergic to a lot more.
I'm allergic to walking behind old people when they're so fricken slow, and I have to be somewhere! I mean come on, I know people with no legs and arms walking faster than you! that's so annoying. I'm also allergic to the fact that I am one of those people who postpone every single thing in her life, which isn't a good thing. I seriously need to work on that.

but above all, I'm allergic to people who think they're right about everything. people who express an opinion and thinks that this is the only right opinion in the world. This just bugs me, I mean COME ON, it's a known fact that we are all different, don't you think there can exist different views and angles of things as well?! it just bugs me, I do appreciate your opinion but do not try and correct me or whatever, giving me advice on how I should cut my hair or whatever and then act like it's the only right thing in the universe.

Things like that just hurts me, because I usually try to be open-minded about stuff, being open for suggestions about things and as long as you say "this is just how I feel", then it's ok. Okay i realise that I can't expect this from people all the time, but just when it's about making a statement, how I am as a person, or when we are discussing something. Or we can agree to disagree. I just get offended and hurt, because I don't feel that I need to look like other people, or act like other people, because there is not point to it since we are different from each other anyways. I just wish I could take medicines for emotional allergies as well. But I guess that's what therapy is for. Or maybe ice-cream.

2 kommentarer:

sarsar sa...

you don't like ice-cream?
-its too cold!!!!

Maja sa...

hahaha ross in my <3