lördag 18 april 2009

Hard work, work

Today, I was test-working at the Hotel here in Landskrona, as a cleaning-lady, maid WHATEVER. It was pretty ok acually, I was nervous because I am not much for cleaning so I've heard (WHO THE FU** IS?!) but it wasn't very hard, I was a natural at making the bed (even though I do not mess mine up too often, because I have no life yay me) AND I liked cleaning the toilets.

Yes, your eyes are working fine, I did write that I liked cleaning the toilets. It went fast, it wasn't very disgusting and I got to splash everywhere. Okay sounds weird and kinda disgusting but whatever. The thing is, that today was the day after a whole football-team with dudes around the age of 20 had partied in their rooms, and there were bottles EVERYWHERE. Kinda funny. And they stared at me when I was standing in the elevator with 126745 towels and I had barely any make-up on and I was wearing a fricken aprin.

Haha, Malin told me that when she was cleaning this bathroom, and she was bending over so that her butt was all up in the air, (and that's fine if there aren't any people around) however, three guys came into the bathroom and were like staring at her bum and were like, pretending to get stuff from in there. Haha-Hilarious. Okay I guess you had to be there.. or in my case, hear it from Malin.

Everyone on the cleaning-staff, except for three (me, Malin and this other chick) are un-swedish. (haha) Which means that I spent the whole day listening to people speaking swedish with an accent, and it was so funny! I love accents, they amuse me. Luckily, they were all friendly so I wasn't too panicked by the fact that they had to repeat almost every sentence they said to me. One of the women got a birthday present, but apparantly her birthday is on the 28th of April, not the 18th. Stupid Sweden.

I really hope they'll hire me, I really need a job this summer. I am gonna save the money and go and visit my bff Caio in Mexico this fall!
(you cannot hold me responsible for my spelling-errors today, I barely slept last night.)

2 kommentarer:

sarasar sa...

apkalas. ! (Y) liked the whole thing with the football-team! :D

Cassie sa...

me too. lets go thar. not cleaning. party. get an invitation, shoo.