söndag 18 januari 2009

One of my fish died.
One of the good ones.
She always pressed herself
up against the glass when I
came in the room, and
followed my hand across
the glas and stuff.
Freaky fish.
I hope she's in a better place.
Is there a fish-heaven?

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...


hur?! did she jump out of the tank, a sort of REBELLIOUS ACT just like: amg idon'twannabeafish so imightjustjumpouttoprovemyself! i bet.

i believe in fish-heaven. it's right by the cat-heaven

Anonym sa...

perfect match of neighbouring heavens.
i bet she just couldnt be bothered with the other ones anymore so she said mmbaibai. good for her<3 she's in a better place.